16-03-2021 Visit our TOPTICA China team and our partner HighFinesse at LASER World of PHOTONICS China! Our latest technological developments and newest trends in laser technology will be presented on our TOPTICA booth in Hall W3 at booth 3351.
Our special highlight is the new PicoFYb 1064, a user friendly turnkey an alignment-free Picoscond Yb seder laser system. The PicoFYb laser systems are PM fiber-based picosecond oscillators using SAM mode-locking techniques for seeding industrial laser systems, e.g. for micro-machining. The PicoFYb laser pulses with excellent amplitude and frequency jitter parameters are amplified to typical multi-Watt levels in the MOPA (master oscillator, power amplifier) laser or regenerative amplifier systems of our customers. Typical amplifiers are slab, rod and disc lasers operating in the 1 µm wavelength regions.
March 17–19, 2021 | Shanghai, China