FemtoFiber ultra 1050
Femtosecond fiber laser for two-photon microscopy and neuroscience
- Fully turn-key with integrated AOM and GDD
- No noise-stress for animals thanks to fan-free passive cooling
- Brighter images with clean temporal pulse shape
- Compact laser design saving valuable table space
- Low cost of ownership using robust & reliable fiber-laser technology
In Two-photon microscopy, peak-power is brightness! If you care for the best image brightness, you need short pulses, high power, and most importantly a clean temporal pulse shape. The FemtoFiber ultra 1050 features the highest peak power available on the market and hence enables unmatched image brightness.
Additionally, software-controlled dispersion precompensation (GDD) and an integrated AOM for power modulation, make the system extremely user-friendly.
TOPTICA's robust & reliable fiber laser technology significantly reduces the cost of ownership of your laser systems.
The FemtoFiber ultra 1050 is ideally suited for the two-photon excitation of common fluorophores like mCherry, Propidium Iodide, tdTomato, eYFP, DsRed, mRFP or mOrange.
Center wavelength 1050 nm Pulse duration < 100 fs Average output power [w. AOM, optional] > 5 W [> 4 W] Repetition rate 80 MHz Motorized dispersion precompensation (GDD) -40000 .. +1000 fs² Integrated power control (optional) > 1 MHz AOM modulation bandwidth Power in main pulse > 95% (typ.) - Additional Information
- References
- Applications
- Product info
- USB/Ethernet drivers
- Scientific Paper: Sponges as bioindicators for microparticulate pollutants? (2021)
- Webinar: Setting Up a Simple and Cost-Efficient Two-Photon Microscope for Neuroscience (2020)
- Scientific Paper: Simplifying two-photon microscopy (2020)
- Application Note: Dr. Max Eisele, Bernhard Wolfring "Next generation two-photon microscopy using the FemtoFiber ultra 920 fiber laser", Physics Today (2019)
- Application Note: Dr. Max Eisele, Bernhard Wolfring "Next generation two-photon microscopy using the FemtoFiber ultra 920 fiber laser" (2019)
- Article: František Batysta et al., Spectral pulse shaping of a 5 Hz, multi-joule, broadband optical parametric chirped pulse amplification frontend for a 10 PW laser system, Optics Letters (2018)
- Application Note: Time-resolved microscopy and spectroscopy using asynchronously synchronized fiber lasers (2018)
- Article: M. Breuer et al., Faserlaser für die Spektroskopie, Best of Physik Journal (2017)