iChrome MLE
Powerful 4 Color Laser Engine
The iChrome MLE combines up to 3 different diode lasers and one DPSS laser fully integrated in one compact housing. The individual lasers are efficiently coupled and delivered via an all-in-one PM/SM fiber output. The microprocessor controlled system enables flexible OEM integration. High speed analog and digital modulation allow fast switching of laser wavelength and intensity.
TOPTICA’s ingenious COOLAC technology automatically aligns the system with a single push of a button. This feature ensures a constant optical output level even under strongly varying ambient conditions and completely eliminates the need for manual realignment - making the iChrome MLE the most advanced multi-line laser system on the market.
Wavelength [nm] 405 420 445 460 473 488 505 515 532 561 568 594 640 Center Wavelength Range [nm] ± 4 ± 5 ± 5 ± 5 ± 5 ± 4 ± 5 ± 5 ± 2 +3/-5 Fiber Coupled cw Output Power [mW] 50 50 50 40 40 40 30 40 40 40 65 30 50 Fiber Coupled cw Output Power - High Power version [mW] 100 50 100 100 100 100 30 60 100 100 100 30 100 Customized configurations and other wavelengths on request.
- Additional Information
Standard Features:
- COOLAC: Constant Optical Output Level by push-button auto-recalibration. This feature ensures full drop-shipment capability and best stability even under heavily changing ambient conditions
- FINE: Feedback Induced Noise Eraser for laser diode based wavelengths. Immunization to optical feedback, ideal for fiber coupling and reflective surfaces
Optional Features:
- Fiber Switch for iChrome MLE, switching time < 3ms, either 2x single mode or 2x single mode, polarization maintaining output fibers
- FiberOut: Fiber collimator for FC/APC and FC/PC fibers
- Global Process-Shutter: Shuttering all laser wavelength simultaneously, operation via software and hardware signals (TTL), hardware signals are dominant, shutter is normally closed
- DPSS Process-Shutter: Shuttering DPSS laser wavelength only, operation via software and hardware signals (TTL), hardware signals are dominant, shutter is normally closed
- Passive Cooling Kit: Suitable for iChrome MLE and iChrome MLE-HP. For use in regular lab environment (up to 25°C)
- Active Cooling Kit: Suitable for iChrome MLE and iChrome MLE-HP. For use in warm lab environments (max. 32 °C)
- Flow cytometry
- Confocal microscopy
- Live-cell imaging
- High throughput screening
- Genome analyzers
- Optogenetics
- Downloads
- Paper: Bayesian Inference of Binding Kinetics from Fluorescence Time Series
- Online Article: iChrome MLE: More than just four lasers in a box
- Application note: A multicolor TIRF microscope
- Article: Klaviatur der Farben (LASER 2011)
- Article: Lasers for Confocal Microscopy (Imaging & Microscopy 2011)
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