DL-SHG pro
Tunable, frequency-doubled diode laser with digital control DLC pro
The grating stabilized diode laser SHG pro is a medium power solution, for applications such as spectroscopy of atoms, ions and molecules, laser cooling and interferometry. Designed in TOPTICA’s proprietary pro technology, it combines best performance and ease-of-use. The system now includes fully-automated push-button coupling optimization into the SHG cavity and the output fiber. The package comprises a DL pro laser head. It can be upgraded to a TA-SHG pro, if an appropriate amplifier source is available.
The rack-mounted version of DL-SHG pro for integration into T-RACK is available as MSHG pro.
Wavelength range* 210 .. 680 nm Seed laser DL pro, DL DFB Doubling stage SHG pro Coarse tuning 2 .. 15 nm Continuous scan range > 20 GHz - Additional Information
Automated alignment of beams coupled to SHG cavity and FiberMon. No compromising of passive stability - AutoAlign is only activated on user request.]Fiber Delivery
Fiber Delivery (FD) is optionally available with TOPTICA's patented fiber coupler FiberDock and a suitable polarization maintaining (PM) fiber. FiberDock provides highest single-mode fiber coupling efficiencies, easy alignment and at the same time highest stability.
For most lasers, we specify a PER behind fiber of >20 dB with our Fiber Delivery option. Please also inquire about Long Life and High Power fibers as well as fiber splitters. Optical isolation is mandatory for fiber coupled diode laser systems.FiberMon
Allows measurement of the SHG output power propagating in a single-mode, polarization-maintaining (SM-PM) fiber for PowerLock and AutoAlign. Two wavelength regions are available.EOM
An EOM before the doubling cavity allows to independently create the PDH signal for laser locking. Advantageous for maximum mode-hop-free tuning range.Narrow Linewidth
The DL pro fundamental master laser is replaced by a narrow-linewidth version. Other master lasers (DFB/DBR) available upon request.Advanced Locking
Various lock options from side-of fringe frequency stabilization to PDH linewidth narrowing available. Modules like DigiLock 110 or PDH/DLC pro can be installed in the DLC ext extension rack, with shortest-possible cable length right next to the laser head. For the most demanding applications you can use the FALC pro (see Laser Locking Electronics).Double Piezo Lock
High-bandwidth stabilization of the SHG pro resonator.Can be upgraded to TA-SHG pro -
- Laser cooling of atoms (e.g. Na, Yb, Sr, Cr)
- Laser cooling of ions (e.g. Ba+, Li+, Ca+, Yb+)
- Optical pumping and Rydberg excitation
- High resolution spectroscopy of molecules, atoms or solid state systems
- Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS)
- Nitrogen vacancies
- Rydberg Excitation (Rydberg Flyer for complete laser solutions)
- Optical Clocks
- Product Brochure Scientific Lasers (please see website for latest specs!)
- Technical Drawings DL-SHG pro
- Article: Ulrich Eismann Direct and frequency-converted diode lasers provide all wavelengths for holography, Laser Focus World (2018), German version, Chinese version, Japanese version, French version
- Article: R. Kirner et al., Mask-aligner lithography using a continuous-wave diode laser frequency-quadrupled to 193 nm, Optics Express (2018)
- Article: Active and passive stabilization of a high-power UV frequency-doubled diode laser, CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2016)
- Article: Short, shorter, shortest: Diode lasers in the deep ultraviolet, Laser Focus World, June 2016
- Article: Kurz, kürzer, am kürzesten, Best of (2015)
- Article: More colors! Diode lasers reach Yellow and Orange, Physics' Best (2013)
- Article: Frequenzkonvertierte cw-Lasersysteme für Forschung und Industrie, Physik Journal (2007)
- Application Note: Phase and Frequency Locking of Diode Lasers
- Application Note: Linewidth Measurement of Diode Lasers
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