Diode Lasers and Multi-Laser Engines for Confocal Microscopy
High beam quality and high power stability

Nowadays diode lasers, fiber lasers and solid state lasers play the major role in modern confocal imaging instruments and have taken the part of formerly used gas lasers almost completely. For being a successful contributor in this fast moving field of optical imaging techniques, one has to cope quickly and reliably with the many special needs of the demanding customer base: perfect beam quality, high lifetime, high speed modulation of the sources and accessing virtually any wavelength in the UV / VIS / NIR region.
TOPTICA's offer
TOPTICAs diode lasers and multi-laser engines offer high beam quality, high power stability and a superb lifetime at a very economic price. Furthermore, our lasers and laser engines feature optimized modulation capabilities for superior performance. Microscopy-optimized laser sources reduce investment costs and optical system complexity.
Our lasers provide a diffraction-limited beam with an excellent wavefront being the base for excellent resolution of confocal images. Always having the user in mind, TOPTICA has introduced unique features that make our lasers the preferred choice for the Biophotonic field:
FINE: The first purely electronic Feedback Induced Noise Eraser
SKILL: TOPTICAs Speckle KILLer effectively reduces laser speckle, without adding any moving parts (no focal blurring).
As laser diodes are available at various distinct wavelengths (from 375 nm to 830 nm), researchers can select their preferred wavelength or wavelength set (iChrome MLE and iChrome CLE) without the need to compromise and allow exciting even exotic dyes (e.g. NIR dyes). Of course, TOPTICA also offers high quality, convenient single-mode and polarization maintaining fiber delivery, optimized for each wavelength.
For time resolved- and multiphoton- microscopy applications TOPTICA offers a broad variety of modelocked fiber lasers emitting pulses in the femto-and picosecond regime at various pulse energies. The FemtoFiber family lasers have proven their outstanding performance and suitability already in various microscopy applications ranging from broadband CARS to in-situ measurements of living cells via STED microscopy.