TOPTICA Femtofiber ultra Fiber Delivery
TOPTICA Femtofiber ultra Fiber Delivery

FemtoFiber ultra with Fiber Delivery

Replacing free-space paths between laser and microscope

• 2 m polarization-maintaining Hollow-core fiber
• Very stable fiber coupling with TOPTICA's FiberDock
• Fiber with FC/APC connector and optionally FiberDock for re-collimation
• Fully turn-key with integrated AOM and GDD preserved after fiber
• Short, clean pulses after fiber
• High spatial beam quality after fiber
• Watt-level power after fiber for 2p-imaging

A game-changer for modern microscopy set-ups: Replacing free-space paths between laser and microscope on an optical table with a simple FC/APC fiber connection. FemtoFiber ultra FD provides highest performance and the best fluorescence image quality while enhancing simplicity, usability and laser safety to another level.