FALC pro
Digitally controlled fast laser locking module
No compromise: Fast and Convenient
- PI³D² regulator
- 10 ns delay
- Remote locking
The FALC pro is one of the latest locking modules of TOPTICA. Its high speed regulator allows to address even the most demanding applications, including laser driving ultra-narrow transitions utilized in optical clocks (clock transitions) or quantum computer (optical q-bits). This regulator is combined with a convenient user interface, which allows optimize the feedback parameters with ease. The digital control interface of the analog regulator also enables full remote operation.
Typical applications of this locking modules include linewidth narrowing of a laser using external reference cavities, e.g. in Pound-Drever-Hall locks (in combination with PDH/DLC pro), locking any DLC pro controlled TDLS laser to a frequency comb, or phase locking one TDLS laser to another.
The combination of the FALC pro with the DLC pro Lock increases the convenience even more because Click & Lock as well as ReLock mechanisms are easy to setup.
The FALC pro not only promises the best performance but also a lot of fun in setting up the feedback to reach the narrowest linewidths, the lowest phase noise, the longest coherence times, … or just a very good high-speed lock.
Concept Fast PID regulator in external module for a DLC pro to lock one of TOPTICA’s TDLS laser to a frequency reference.
Two configurations allow for best performance with either direct error signals or the phase comparison of two RF signalsOperation Using the interface of the DLC pro* Requirements Requires CAN bus interface of MC+ module of DLC pro** Fast circuit branch Typically connected to Modulation input of laser head PIC regulator Three integrator stages, two differential stages: PI³D² Bandwidth 50 MHz (-3 dB) Signal delay < 10 ns DC gain -60 dB to +95 dB Output voltage range ± 1.7 V at 50 Ω load Output impedance 50 Ω Flexibility > 100,000 different transfer functions, spanning 8 decades of frequency, full access in remote operation - Additional Information
- High-bandwidth laser frequency stabilization
- Linewidth reduction of ECDL and selected DFB lasers
- Phase locking of two lasers
- Difference frequency stabilization
- Atom Laser Cooling & Trapping
- Ion Laser Cooling & Trapping
- BEC / Degenerate Fermi Gases
- Rydberg Excitation (Rydberg Flyer for complete laser solutions)
- Optical Pumping & EIT
- Fundamental Constants
- Interferometry
- Quantum Cryptography
- Quantum Information
- Quantum Dots & Microcavities
- Magnetic Field Measurement
- Optical Clocks
TOPTICA offers a wide portfolio of modules for laser linewidth manipulation: High-bandwidth regulators like FALC pro, FALC 110 and DigiLock 110 have been shown to achieve sub-Hertz linewidth values
- Software update provided though DLC pro updates
- TOPTICA Python Laser SDK (updated with every DLC pro software release) makes the command interface of the DLC pro including the FALC pro easily available in Python
- Technical drawing FALC pro
- Application Note: 12 orders of coherence control
- Scientific Publication: Y.N. Zhao et al., Sub-Hertz frequency stabilization of a commercial diode laser, Optics Comm. 283 (2010)
- Scientific Publication: F. Friederich et al., Phase-locking of the beat signal of two distributed-feedback diode lasers to oscillators working in the MHz to THz range, Opt. Express 18:8 (2010)
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