Schottky Receivers
Versatile equipment for terahertz sensing
- Zero-bias Schottky diodes
- Output signal proportional to incident terahertz power
- Ideally suited for terahertz imaging
- Two versions: High Responsivity / High Bandwidth
- Ultrafast version measures individual terahertz pulses
Schottky diodes work as incoherent receivers (i.e., power detectors) for both pulsed and cw-terahertz radiation. Applications like terahertz imaging benefit from both speed and sensitivity of the Schottky receivers. A special high-bandwidth version lends itself for the study of ultrafast processes – owing to its capability of resolving the amplitudes of individual terahertz pulses, even at typical repetition rates of femtosecond fiber lasers!
Specifications Schottky-FD-RX-1
"High Responsivity"Schottky-TD-RX-1
"High Bandwidth"Concept Zero-bias Schottky diode Antenna type Log-spiral Terahertz bandwidth 50 - 1500 GHz Noise-equivalent power 7 pW/sqrt(Hz) @ 100 GHz
100 pW/sqrt(Hz) @ 1 THz70 pW/sqrt(Hz) @ 100 GHz
1000 pW/sqrt(Hz) @ 1 THzResponsivity (typ.) 22000 V/W @ 100 GHz,
1100 V/W @ 1 THz230 V/W @ 100 GHz,
17 V/W @ 1 THzAmplifier bandwidth 10 Hz - 1 MHz 10 MHz - 4 GHz - Additional Information
- Applications
- Downloads
- Scientific Paper: F. Rettich et al., Field intensity detection of individual terahertz pulses at 80 MHz repetition rate; J Infrared Milli. Terahz. Waves (2015)
- Scientific Paper: S.Brinkmann et al., Towards Quality Control in Pharmaceutical Packaging: Screening Folded Boxes for Package Inserts, J Infrared Milli. Terahz. Waves (2017)
- Review paper: Naftaly, M., et al., Industrial applications of terahertz sensing: State of play, Sensors (2019)
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