Additional Isolators
Laser feedback protection
- Efficient feedback protection for diode lasers
- Wide wavelength range available: UV to IR
- Faraday rotator plus high-quality polarization optics
- Single-stage models: > 30 dB, 390 .. 2300 nm
- Double-stage models: > 60 dB, 405 .. 1585 nm
An optical isolator transmits light in one direction only, by rotating the polarization axis of linearly polarized light. This is achieved by means of a crystal placed within a magnetic field (Faraday effect). The isolator thus prevents unwanted feedback into the laser source, which would else affect the laser’s coherence, or even damage the diode itself. TOPTICA offers single-stage and double-stage models for a wide wavelength range.
Single-stage isolators Double-stage isolators Wavelength range * 390 .. 2300 nm 405 nm, 640 .. 1585 nm Typical extinction ratio 30 .. 35 dB > 60 dB Typical transmission 85 .. 90 % > 80 % Aperture * 3 .. 5 mm 3 .. 5 mm Application Coupling into FC/APC fibers, resonator alignment
(e.g. FPI 100)Coupling into PC fibers or fiber-optic splitters,
fiber coupling of high-power lasers* Spectral range with gaps, model dependent.
The footprint of an optical isolator depends on the wavelength, the number of Faraday rotator stages (single-stage or double-stage), and the aperture. Please contact us for details.
Additional Information
- Single-stage models: isolation > 30 dB typ.
- Double-stage models: isolation > 60 dB typ.
- Aperture 3 / 4 / 5 mm (model dependent)
- Tunable and fixed-wavelength versions
- Fine-tuning to application wavelength on request
- Eliminate feedback instabilities in ECDLs
- Reduce back reflections from fiber coupling
- Stabilize injection locking
- Eliminate feedback-induced damage
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