Frequency-Domain Terahertz Platform
- TopSeller systems for cw-THz spectroscopy
- Includes cutting-edge GaAs or InGaAs photomixers
- Highest dynamic range: TeraScan 1550
- Highest scan range: TeraScan 780
- Digital control electronics DLC Smart
TOPTICA’s TeraScan platforms are well-established “TopSeller” configurations for frequency-domain terahertz spectroscopy. The systems combine mature DFB diode lasers with state-of-the-art GaAs or InGaAs photomixers. The TeraScan 780 offers an outstanding bandwidth, and the TeraScan 1550 sets new benchmarks in terms of terahertz power and dynamic range. Both systems feature TOPTICA's proprietary “DLC smart” control electronics.
Specification TeraScan 780 TeraScan 1550 Difference Frequency Tuning 1.8 THz (2.0 THz typ.) 1.2 THz (up to 2.7 THz with Tuning Range Extension) Terahertz dynamic range
(300 ms integration time)80 dB @ 100 GHz
70 dB @ 500 GHz90 dB @ 100 GHz
70 dB @ 500 GHzMinimum frequency step size < 10 MHz - Additional Information
- Applications
- Downloads
- Scientific Paper: Deninger, A., et al., 2.75 THz tuning with a triple-DFB laser system at 1550 nm and InGaAs photomixers, J. Infr. THz Waves (2015)
- Scientific Paper: Roggenbruck, A., et al., Using a fiber stretcher as a fast phase modulator in a continuous wave terahertz spectrometer, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B (2012)
- Scientific Paper: Stanze, D., et al., Compact cw Terahertz Spectrometer Pumped at 1.5 µm Wavelength, J Infrared Milli Terahz Waves (2010)
- Scientific Paper: Roggenbruck, A., et al., Coherent broadband continuous-wave terahertz spectroscopy on solid-state samples, New Journal of Physics (2010)
- Overview Article: Lang, M., et al., Laser-based terahertz generation & applications, Photonik International (2012)
- Review paper: Naftaly, M., et al., Industrial applications of terahertz sensing: State of play, Sensors (2019)
- Scientific paper: Nellen, S., et al., Experimental comparison of UTC- and PIN-photodiodes for continuous-wave terahertz generation, J Infrared Milli Terahz Waves (2019)
Related Products
- TeraBeam - Lasers for cw THz Generation: Dual-color DFB lasers with digital driver electronics
- Tuning Range Extension: Additional diode laser
- Phase Modulation Extension: Resolution booster
- Photomixers: Packaged modules with fiber pigtail
- Accessories: Schottky diodes and optomechanics
- TeraFlash pro: Versatile Time-Domain terahertz platform
- TeraFlash smart: Ultrafast Time-Domain Terahertz Platform