iChrome FLE
Flexible Multi-Color Laser Combiner
- Up to 7 laser lines for all important fluorophores from 405 to 785 nm
- COOLAC automatic alignment, never again waste valuable lab time for manual laser alignment
- Tailored to your light source requirements with one or two fiber outputs
- Best image contrast and unsurpassed lifetime by AOM/AOTF-free all diode design
- Combine two different applications with one laser engine – fiber switch / fiber splitter
TOPTICA's iChrome FLE is a flexible laser engine that combines up to 7 laser lines in up to two polarization-maintaining single-mode fibers. Power levels reach up to 100 mW per laser line. The flexible setup can be customized to fit the special needs of every customer. The FLE’s standard wavelength range is 405 - 647 nm, while wavelength of up to 785 nm can be integrated on request. Like all iChrome systems, the FLE guarantees a plug & play installation via TOPTICA's proprietary COOLAC automatic alignment technology.
Systems equipped with two laser fibers benefit from TOPTICA’s fiber-switching technology, which combines fiber switching and fiber splitting in one option. Power hungry applications can benefit from the full power level at the corresponding fiber, while applications like a two light-sheet setup benefits from an exact power balance between both fibers.
Another option available with the iChrome FLE is a separate fiber for up to two wavelength. TOPTICA’s optical design gives room for two lasers to be carried in an extra fiber. This could be special wavelengths, which are designed to run through a separate beam path (for example 405 or 785 nm, which are separately corrected within the microscopes beam path). Another option is to double existing wavelength for simultaneous high-power operation (for example 405 or 488 nm for a separate FRAP input of a microscope).
The iChrome FLE is designed and optimized to suit many different microscopy techniques. Modulation behavior is thoroughly tested and optimized at TOPTICA, to guarantee best performance for scanning applications. With its power level and wavelength range, the unit is also a perfect fit for many non-scanning applications, like light-sheet microscopy (also known as SPIM), TIRF, spinning disk, super-resolution microscopy and many other applications.
COOLAC gives the laser combiner plug-and-play simplicity. Installation is done with the simple click of a button in the user software. Green wavelength (532, 561 and 594 nm) laser light is generated by TOPTICA´s proprietary FDDL (Frequency Doubled Diode Laser) technology, an all diode approach for these very important wavelengths. Each laser line, including the FDDL’s, are directly modulated up to a frequency of 1 MHz and TOPTICA's "Complete OFF" mechanism guarantees zero photons in the "off"-state. “Complete OFF” also means, that there is absolutely no cross talk between the individual wavelength.
Wavelength [nm] 405 420 445 460 473 488 505 515 532 561 594 640 647 Max. Number of Wavelengths 7, max. 2x FDDL Laser Type Diode FDDL Diode Center Wavelength
Range [nm]± 4 ± 5 ± 5 ± 5 ± 5 ± 4 ± 5 ± 5 ± 2 ± 2 ± 2 +3
-2Fiber Coupled cw
Output Power [mW]50/
10040 50/
100100 40/
10030 30/
6050 20/
6015 80 60 -
Additional Information
Standard Features:
- COOLAC: Constant Optical Output Level by push-button auto-recalibration. This feature ensures full drop-shipment capability and best stability even under heavily changing ambient conditions
- FINE: Feedback Induced Noise Eraser for laser diode based wavelengths. Immunization to optical feedback, ideal for fiber coupling and reflective surfaces
Optional Features:
- FiberOut: Fiber collimator for FC/APC and FC/PC fibers
- Flow cytometry
- Confocal microscopy
- Live-cell imaging
- High throughput screening
- Genome analyzers
- Optogenetics
- Download Product info
- Download Brochure iChrome Family
- Article: Konstantin Birngruber, Stephan Falke Demand-tailored laser systems: Integrated multi-color laser solutions for quantum optics and biophotonics, Physik Journal Physics’ Best 2019
- German Article: Konstantin Birngruber, Stephan Falke Bedarfsoptimierte Lasersysteme - Integrierte Multi-Farben-Laserlösungen für Quantenoptik und Biophotonik, Physik Journal Best of 2018
- Article: Four‐Color Laser Engine for Efficient Confocal Microscopy (Optik & Photonik 2018)
- Article: Klaviatur der Farben (LASER 2011)
- Article: Lasers for Confocal Microscopy (Imaging & Microscopy 2011)
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