Continuously Tunable Laser
- Wide mode-hop-free tuning (up to 130 nm)
- Available at wavelengths between 750 nm and 1750 nm
- High resolution (down to kHz level)
- Perform measurements at the (quantum) limit with low noise & drift (linewidth < 1 kHz)
- User friendly control panel and remote control
The CTL is the ultimate choice when looking for a laser that is widely and continuously tunable without any mode-hops. It has high power, a narrow linewidth and low drift. Scans can be performed with highest resolution. Mode-hops are prevented by an innovative opto-mechanical design (patent US9960569B2) together with an active feedback loop called SMILE (Single Mode Intelligent Loop Engine) that keeps the laser on the same mode at all times. With the fully digital, low noise and drift DLC pro controller, the CTL laser is easy to use and operate via touch-screen and knobs as well as via remote PC GUI and command language (Python SDK). DLC CTL includes a test system for characterizing components or recording spectra.
CTL lasers are ideally suited for applications that require large mode-hop free tuning ranges, such as the resonant excitation of small structures like quantum dots and micro-cavities. Also molecular spectroscopy and component testing will benefit from CTLs exceptional properties. CTL includes an optical isolator that meets its specifications across the full tuning range without realignment.
CTL 780 CTL 900 CTL 950 CTL 1050 CTL 1320 Wavelength [nm] 750 - 790 880 - 940 920 - 990 1010 – 1100 1290 - 1350 Absolute accuracy < 90 pm < 100 pm < 100 pm < 110 pm < 130 pm Relative accuracy < 10 pm < 10 pm < 10 pm < 10 pm < 10 pm Typical instantaneous linewidth 0.3 kHz < 0.5 kHz < 1 kHz < 0.5 kHz < 1 kHz Typ linewidth (5 µs) < 10 kHz < 10 kHz < 10 kHz < 10 kHz < 10 kHz Power at Max
(after optical isolator)> 70 mW
> 18 dBm> 40 mW
>16 dBm> 64 mW
>18 dBm> 72 mW
>19 dBm> 40 mW
>16 dBmPower at edges > 25 mW > 16 mW > 32 mW > 24 mW > 24 mW Isolation > 45 .. 60dB > 55 dB > 60 dB > 45 .. 60 dB > 50 dB Max. scan speed 10 nm/s 10 nm/s 10 nm/s 10 nm /s 10 nm/s Motor step size 5 pm 5 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm Micro step size (average) 0.3 pm 0.3 pm 0.3 pm 0.4 pm 0.5 pm Piezo scan 70 GHz 55 GHz 55 GHz 45 GHz 38 GHz Piezo step size < 10 kHz < 10 kHz < 10 kHz < 10 kHz < 5 kHz CTL 1470 CTL 1500 CTL 1550 CTL 1650 Wavelength [nm] 1420 - 1530 1460 - 1570 1510 - 1630 1620 - 1750 Absolute accuracy < 140 pm < 150 pm < 150 pm < 150 pm Relative accuracy < 10 pm < 10 pm < 10 pm < 10 pm Typical instantaneous linewidth < 1 kHz < 1 kHz 0.3 kHz < 1 kHz Typ linewidth (5 µs) < 10 kHz < 10 kHz < 10 kHz < 10 kHz Power at Max
(after optical isolator)> 30 mW
> 15 dBm> 37 mW
>16 dBm> 37 mW
>16 dBm> 32 mW
>15 dBmPower at edges > 15 mW > 19 mW > 22 mW > 16 mW Isolation > 60 dB > 60 .. 80 dB > 60 .. 80 dB > 50 dB Max. scan speed 10 nm/s 10 nm/s 10 nm/s 10 nm/s Motor step size 8 pm 8 pm 8 pm 8 pm Micro step size (average) 0.5 pm 0.5 pm 0.5 pm 0.5 pm Piezo scan 35 GHz 33 GHz 33 GHz 28 GHz Piezo step size < 5 kHz < 5 kHz < 5 kHz < 5 kHz - Additional Information
Optical isolation single stage
Isolators are used to protect the laser diode from back reflections. This not only prevents damage to the diode but also ensures untroubled single-mode operation and tuning. Fiber coupling with angle polished fibers (both ends) requires at least a single stage isolator. Optical isolation double stage
Double stage isolators are needed if reflections from the experiment into the laser are expected. Fiber coupling with non-angle polished fibers also requires a double stage isolator. Fiber Delivery
Fiber Delivery (FD) is optionally available with TOPTICA's patented fiber coupler FiberDock and a suitable polarization maintaining (PM) fiber. FiberDock provides highest single-mode fiber coupling efficiencies, easy alignment and at the same time highest stability.
For most lasers, we specify a PER behind fiber of >20 dB with our Fiber Delivery option. Please also inquire about Long Life and High Power fibers as well as fiber splitters. Optical isolation is mandatory for fiber coupled diode laser systems.Electronics Modules A broad variety of electronic locking modules is available for frequency stabilization. Optical amplification An optical amplifier, BoosTA pro, can be operated from the same DLC pro controller. -
- Micro-cavities and pumping micro combs
- Quantum dots
- Component testing
- Spectroscopy
- Downloads
Magazine Articles
- Article: R. Neuhaus, Exploring micro- and nanostructures with tunable diode lasers, Laser Focus World, January Edition (2017)
- Article: R. Neuhaus, Ohne Sprünge zu neuen Anwendungen, Best of Physik Journal (2016)
- Article: R. Neuhaus, et al., Exploring the Micro, Nano and Quantum World, Optik & Photonik, Vol. 10, Issue 2 (2015)
Current scientific Publications mentioning TOPTICA CTL
Application Notes
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