pro Series / Technology
This is what TOPTICA's lasers in pro design stand for:
- Stability
- Ease of use
- Thermal and acoustic ruggedness
- Hands-off operation wherever possible
- Allowing operation from a remote computer
- Flexure joints wherever expedient
- Patented DL pro design (DE 10 2007 028 499, US 7970024)
That's what TOPTICA's lasers in patented pro design stand for! Successful scientific research requires state of the art equipment in order to produce outstanding results. At TOPTICA we understand what it means to spend long nights relying on (laser) technology for collecting data. With this in mind, TOPTICA’s lasers in patented pro design feature highest stability, best specifications and optimized ease of use – all at the same time. The DL pro was launched in 2007, featuring an innovative resonator design and setting a new benchmark in robustness against temperature changes and vibrations. The pro design was quickly transferred to our amplified and frequency converted tunable diode laser and finally also to our line of ultrafast lasers. Combined with pro-electronics, these laser deliver the extra bit “more” that is required for leadership in instrument manufacturing or state-of-the-art physics experiments.