Chancellor Merkel visits Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics
Garching, September 15, 2021
TOPTICA Photo Contest
Congratulations to the winners – Thank you all for participating!
Tapered amplifiers have a 20 year long history at TOPTICA. To celebrate, scientists were asked to send us their greatest pictures with TOPTICA lasers in the lab.
We were overwhelmed by the impressive participation and the great pictures! The TOPTICA jury nominated the first three places and chose a first prize winner. All finalists will also receive a TOPTICA surprise package.
We are still looking forward to receiving picture submissions for future photo contests! Please note our conditions of participation (at the bottom of the page).
1st place
Grupo M.A.I.N. Prof. Dr. Daniel Rodríguez - Universidad de Granada/ Department of Nuclear Atomic and Molecular Physics Photo: Irene Poga

TOPTICA Photo Contest Rules
1. Contact person
The contact person for the implementation of the competition is TOPTICA Photonics AG, Lochhamer Schlag 19, 82166 Gräfelfing,
2. Participation
(1) The competition takes place exclusively online.
(2) Persons aged 18 years or older are eligible to participate.
(3) For participation, it is necessary that the participant provides first and last name and e-mail address. The submission can only take place after the participant has agreed to the conditions of participation.
(4) By participating, the user agrees to the publication of the image, as well as the naming of the user name chosen by him. The personal eMail data as required in paragraph 3 will not be published.
(5) TOPTICA Photonics AG reserves the right to publish the submitted entries and thus to exclude any submitted photo from the competition without giving reasons.
(6) All scientists and photographers are welcome to take part. There’s no rights-grabbing – all participants retain full and exclusive rights to their work. We respect your rights and do not claim copyright for photographs or text submitted to the TOPTICA Photo Contest. You will retain full copyright in each entry. In addition, your moral rights are respected. Whenever your work is published on this website you will be credited. Failure to publish a credit due to error or oversight shall not be deemed a breach of this condition. We will seek to correct any errors or oversights as soon as we are notified.
3. Prize
(1) An independent jury will reward the best picture with the TOPTICA Photo Contest Prize. We will also raffle off five TOPTICA goody-bags among all participants. The prizes cannot be paid out in cash.
4. Notification
(1) The participant who wins in accordance with Clause 2, Paragraph 1 of these Conditions of Participation will be notified by eMail.
(2) All other participants will not be notified even upon request.
(3) The winner and the participants will additionally be announced on as well as on the social media platforms of TOPTICA Photonics, stating the first and last name and institute/company.
5. Copyrights
By uploading the images, the participant assures that he/she owns all rights to the submitted image, that the image is free of third-party rights, and that no personal rights are violated when depicting persons. If one or more persons are recognizably depicted in the photo, the persons concerned must agree to the photo being published. Should third parties nevertheless assert claims for infringement of their rights, the participant shall indemnify the organizers against all claims.
6. Data protection
(1) The participant expressly agrees that TOPTICA Photonics AG may store his/her data for the purpose of conducting the raffle. If the participant does not agree to the storage of his/her data, he/she may object to this storage at any time. The objection must be addressed to TOPTICA Photonics AG.
(2) The disclosure of data to third parties is excluded.
7. Premature termination
TOPTICA Photonics AG is entitled to terminate the competition in whole or in part with regard to the drawing of prizes if there is good cause for doing so. Good cause shall be deemed to exist in particular if the draw cannot proceed as planned, e.g. due to disruptions caused by computer viruses, in the event of software and/or hardware errors and/or for other technical and/or legal reasons that affect the administration, security, integrity and/or regular and proper conduct of the draw. In the aforementioned cases, the participant shall not be entitled to a substitute draw.
9. Legal recourse
The legal recourse is excluded.
Copyright 2021, TOPTICA Photonics AG