FPI 100
Fabry-Perot Interferometer
- Convenient mode analysis of diode lasers
- Various mirror sets and detectors for 330 .. 1700 nm
- Free spectral range 1 GHz
- Finesse > 200, typ. > 400
The FPI 100 is a confocal, scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer with a built-in photodetector unit, designed for measuring and controlling the mode profiles of continuous wave (cw) lasers. The FPI is available with different mirror sets and photodetectors for wavelength ranges between 330 nm and 3000 nm. The standard mirror reflectivity is 99.8 %, corresponding to a typical finesse of > 400, resolving even narrow laser lines.
Article # Wavelength range FSR* Finesse spec. Finesse typ. Resolution typ Aperture FPI 100-0355-3V0 330 – 380 nm
1 GHz> 200 400 2.5 MHz
7 mmFPI 100-0400-3V0 380 – 430 nm > 200 400 2.5 MHz FPI 100-0500-3V0 430 – 660 nm > 300 400 2.5 MHz FPI 100-0750-3V0 615 – 885 nm > 400 500 2 MHz FPI 100-0980-3V0 825 – 1200 nm > 400 500 2 MHz
FPI 100-1500-3V0 1200 – 1700 nm > 300 500 2 MHz
* Tolerance of FSR ± 1 %
** Requires miniScan 100 and PDA-S (not miniScan 102) -
Additional Information
- Base unit includes piezo stack for scanning, mirrors, and photodetector.
- Not included: HV scan generator or fiber adapter – please see Options + Related Products.
- Mirror sets of all FPI articles are also available as mirror exchange kits.
- Fiber connector with FC/APC adapter
- Mirror exchange kits: Please refer to Technical Information page for available wavelengths and specifications
- Photo diode exchange kits (visible / NIR / IR range)
- User-specific finesse values: please inquire
- SC 110: Scan unit, part of DC 110 laser electronics
- miniScan: Stand-alone scan generator with photo diode amplifier
- Brochure: Scientific Lasers (please see website for latest specs!)
- Technical Drawing: FPI
- Scientific Publication: T. Führer, T. Walther, Extension of the mode-hop-free tuning range of an external cavity diode laser based on a model of the mode-hop dynamics; Opt. Lett. 33:4 (2008) 372.
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