Phase Modulation Extension
Phase modulation for TeraScan or TeraBeam
cw terahertz spectroscopy based on photomixing offers the attractive feature of detecting both amplitude and phase of the terahertz wave. Determining the phase requires a modulation of the optical path length, or the terahertz frequency. The Phase Modulation Package offers a particularly fast and accurate technique to scan the terahertz phase, by using a symmetric setup with two fiber stretchers wound around piezo actuators. Users can thus retrieve full information on phase and amplitude of the terahertz wave - with single-Megahertz resolution!
Specifications THz Phase Mod / NIR THz Phase Mode / IR Concept Twin fiber stretcher with piezo actuators Wavelength 780 nm, as defined by TeraScan 780 / TeraBeam 780 1.5 µm, as defined by TeraScan 1550 / TeraBeam 1550 - Additional Information
- Applications
- Downloads
- Scientific Paper: Deninger, A., et al., 2.75 THz tuning with a triple-DFB laser system at 1550 nm and InGaAs photomixers, J. Infr. THz Waves (2015)
- Scientific Paper: Roggenbruck, A., et al., Using a fiber stretcher as a fast phase modulator in a continuous wave terahertz spectrometer, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B (2012)
- Scientific Paper: Stanze, D., et al., Compact cw Terahertz Spectrometer Pumped at 1.5 µm Wavelength, J Infrared Milli Terahz Waves (2010)
- Scientific Paper: Roggenbruck, A., et al., Coherent broadband continuous-wave terahertz spectroscopy on solid-state samples, New Journal of Physics (2010)
- Overview Article: Lang, M., et al., Laser-based terahertz generation & applications, Photonik International (2012)
- Review paper: Naftaly, M., et al., Industrial applications of terahertz sensing: State of play, Sensors (2019)
- Scientific paper: Nellen, S., et al., Experimental comparison of UTC- and PIN-photodiodes for continuous-wave terahertz generation, J Infrared Milli Terahz Waves (2019)
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