Flexible beat detection units
- Flexible beat detection units
- Designed for use with DFC and DL pro
- Stable and compact
TOPTICA's beat detection consists of two flexible modules: DFC BC (or DFC BCF) and DFC MD. Separating beam combination and beat detection into two units allows for placing them at different locations. The DFC BC and DFC MD units are specifically designed for a combination of the DFC with TOPTICA's DL pro tunable diode laser series, but can also be used with other cw lasers.
Request a Quotation Application Note Phase and Frequency Locking of Diode Lasers
DFC BC DFC BCF DFC MD Inputs 1. Frequency Comb: fiber-coupled (FC/APC, fiber for comb-light input included)
2. cw laser: fiber-coupled (FC/APC)1. Frequency Comb: fiber-coupled (FC/APC, fiber for comb-light input included)
2. cw laser: fiber-coupled (FC/APC)Frequency comb + cw laser: fiber-coupled (fiber coupler included) Outputs 1. Frequency comb + cw laser: fiber-coupled (FC/APC, fiber for beat-light output included)
2. cw laser: free space (fiber coupling optional)1. Frequency comb + cw laser: fiber-coupled (FC/APC, fiber for beat-light output included)
2. cw laser: fiber-coupled (FC/APC)RF signal, amplified for use with mFALC Wavelength 420 nm - 2000 nm 780, 850, 935, 980, 1030, 1064, 1160, 1310, 1390, 1550 nm (others on request) 420 nm - 2000 nm Split ratio Adjustable Fixed: 90:10, 70:30, 50:50 (in %, others on request) N/A Spectral operating range approx. 50 nm (depends on center wavelength) approx. 100 nm (depends on center wavelength and split ratio) approx. 50 nm (depends on center wavelength) Filter element N/A N/A - 10 GHz bandwidth grating (other bandwidths on request)
- Optical resolution > 50.000
- Tuning via manual adjustment of µm-screw incl. scale reading
- Tuning resolution < 1 GHz (typ.)
Dimensions (HxWxD) 49 x 100 x 100 mm3 23 x 90 x 200 mm3 64 x 60 x 120 mm3 -
- Modular DFC Extensions: Various extension modules are available that convert the offset-free fundamental output of the DFC CORE + from 1560 nm to any desired wavelength between 420 nm and 2000 nm
- Optical Clocks
- Microwave Generation
- Laser Reference
- High-resolution Spectroscopy
- Dual-comb Spectroscopy
- Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy
- Interferometry
- Transportable AMO Systems
- Quantum Computing
- CEP-stable Seeders
- Downloads
- Scientific Article: E. Benkler et al., End-to-end topology for fiber comb based optical frequency transfer at the 10−21 level, Optics Express [27], 36886 (2019)
- Scientific Article: E. C. Cook et al., Resonant two-photon spectroscopy of the 2s3d 1D2 level of neutral 9Be Phys. Rev. Applied 101, 042503 (2020)
- Scientific Article: M. Collombon et al., Experimental Demonstration of Three-Photon Coherent Population Trapping in an Ion Cloud, Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 034035, (2019)
- Scientific Article: M. Collombon et al., Phase transfer between three visible lasers for coherent population trapping, Optics Letters Vol. 44, Issue 4 (2019)
- Scientific Article: A. Liehl et al., Ultrabroadband out-of-loop characterization of the carrier-envelope phase noise of an offset-free Er:fiber frequency comb. Optics Letters Vol. 42, Issue 10 (2017)
- Scientific Article: T. Puppe et al., Characterization of a DFG comb showing quadratic scaling of the phase noise with frequency, Optics Letters Vol. 41, Issue 8 (2016)
- Scientific Article: G. Krauss et al., All-passive phase locking of a compact Er:fiber laser system, Opt. Lett., 36, 540 (2011)
- Scientific Article: D. Fehrenbacher et al., Free-running performance and full control of a passively phase-stable Er:fiber frequency comb. Optica Vol. 2, Issue 10 (2015)
- Scientific Article: R. Kliese et al., Difference-frequency combs in cold atom physics, arXiv:1605.02426v1 (2016)
- Scientific Article: D. Brida et al., Ultrabroadband Er:fiber lasers, Laser & Photonics Review 8(3) (2014)
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