Our technology and Product lines

Additional technology for optimized customization

TOPTICA supports multiple product lines and philosophies for different customer applications. For OEM integration the compact and single purpose smart product line has been developed. For scientific purposes, the open-concept pro product line usually is the first choice. The ultra line combines both: Ultimate parameters and OEM/hands-off operation.

TOPTICA works closely with the customer to provide the best possible solution for the application. This means that very often "just a laser" is not good enough and specific adaptations are required. Since the foundation of the company a tool box has been developed which e.g. reduces laser speckle (SKILL), eliminates feedback induced noise (FINE), guarantees single mode operation (CHARM) or optimized fiber coupling (COOL) under changing environmental conditions. Also special technologies for generation of fCEO-free frequency combs (CERO) or extreme wide mode-hop tuning (SMILE, FLOW) are part of this tool box. These technical features are usually abbreviated by a short capital letter synonym and are only available in combination with a suitable TOPTICA product.

CERO Technology