Comfortable control of TOPTICA laser products with Python Laser SDK
Controlling lasers made easy!

Our TOPTICA Python Laser SDK (Software Development Kit) allows for the easy control of TOPTICA laser products from a PC using the Python programming language. For more information and downloads please refer to TOPTICA Python Laser SDK Documentation.
We provide an easy-to-use Python package for lasers operated by TOPTICA’s digital controllers:
- DLC pro controlled lasers: DL pro, DFB pro, MDL pro, TA pro, TA pro AL, MTA pro, CTL, DL-SHG pro, TA-SHG pro, MSHG pro, TA-FHG pro, TOPO, TopWave 266
- Locking electronics for lasers controlled by a DLC pro: FALC pro, PDH/DLC pro, DLC pro Lock
- Multi-Laser Engines: iChrome
- Frequency combs: DFC CORE, Complete DFC Systems
- Femto Fiber lasers: FemtoFiber dichro midIR, FemtoFiber ultra 780, FemtoFiber ultra 920, FemtoFiber ultra 1050, FemtoFiber smart 780 HP
- THz Systems: TeraScan
Key features of the TOPTICA Python Laser SDK:
- It provides full control over all laser features
- Ethernet and USB/serial connection
- Laser device network discovery
- Simple synchronous low level API
- Sophisticated high level synchronous/asynchronous APIs
- Enables code completion for laser parameters in Python IDEs