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Contact Jan Brubacher for press enquiries
New Application Note: Time-resolved microscopy & spectroscopy using ASOPS
Our new application note describes how complex time-resolved measurements can be performed using ASOPS (asynchronous optical sampling). It gives…
TOPTICA Tuesday: We are hiring!
TOPTICA is looking for qualified and highly motivated people to compete globally and deal with the challenges of our industry. Our company culture is…
Lasers for Holography
Diode lasers fulfill the technical requirements to perform holography and lithography applications at all established wavelengths, as well as new…
FemtoFiber customized femtosecond lasers
TOPTICA offers flexible laser systems for specific applications. For example, our product line FemtoFiber customized offers modular solutions…
TOPTICA expert discusses quantum computing in the German Bundestag
The Committee on the Digital Agenda (Ausschuss Digitale Agenda) of the German federal parliament, the Deutsche Bundestag, discussed the status of…
ELMI Meeting
We are presenting our high-performance lasers at the European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI ) meeting in Dublin (Ireland) this week. Visit our…